2019 ICSSB
2019 ICSSB
The International Conference on Social Science and Business
July 24-26, 2019 Bali, Indonesia

Local Host
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Dr. Yonik Meilawati Yustiani
Department of Environmental Engineering
Pasundan University
Welcome Message
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,
Scientific meetings between researchers are important events in order to improve research performance in all aspects, especially when research results will be applied in society or real life. Various fields of science should be involved in the discussion of the implementation of those research results.
In recent years we have held scientific meetings which not only have one specific field, but we combine with other fields. One of the goals is to bring together researchers between various fields so that they can provide input from a complete perspective.
The Joint Conference of ISEAS and ICSSB is an international platform for scholars, researchers and practitioners to discuss interdisciplinary research and practices in the fields of Engineering and Applied Science. It also provides an interdisciplinary platform for policymakers, top managers, researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Engineering and Applied Science.
From these meetings, we are expecting a useful discussion and continuous collaboration between participants. From the 5th ISEAS meeting, it is also hoped that several collaborations will be formed to expand the network of researchers on an international scale to jointly improve the welfare of the humankind.
The ISEAS & ICSSB meeting takes place in Bali, Indonesia which has a lot of tourist areas with natural beauty and rich traditional cultural art. I invited guests to enjoy also these famous Bali’s beautiful nature and arts.
Thank you.

Keynote Address
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Prof. Bob Barrett
American Public University
Topic: Challenge 2020: Educators United for MICI2 Implementation – The Synergy of the Teaching Profession
Time for a change and change happens with educators. We are innovators, creators, change agents, facilitators, and finally the ultimate teaching resource to help enable, motivate, and support adult learners who want to make a change not only in their lives – but with others. Yes, adult leaders do not return back to education just for one purpose only, but for a variety of reasons. As Malcom Knowles (1980) noted that adults return back to education for a variety of reasons, especially to help better themselves and others. Therefore, we as educators and leaders need to recognize an urgent need to add more synergy to the teaching profession and reclaim our rightful spot as the subject-matter experts in the creation, development, and inspiration of better business, political, strategic, social, and ethical leaders for today and tomorrow. It is easy to plan for just today’s lesson plan, but can one expect that daily lesson plans will affect the needed changes for tomorrow? Consequently, we can no longer sit back and expect learning to just happen, but rather we need to address the current and future challenges, issues, and expectations of all stakeholders to help serve as an example to all that we care and understand what “needs to happen” to make a better tomorrow for everyone. We need to become the “New Shepherds of Educational Change” and show leaders in all of our countries that education can make change happen and create our new world leaders. Further, we are the leaders, teachers, facilitators, mentors, and coaches of the future – and we are able, willing, and ready to set the new parameters and design the new strategic plans for changes to be created, implemented, and evaluated for more change. During this presentation, the audience will learn more about the MICI2 Model for Change. The MICI2 Models stands for: M – Motivation, I – Innovation, C – Creativity, and I – Implementation (Phase 2). We can learn from each other, if we are more open-minded and interact with our international colleagues in terms of academic discourse, leadership, and scholarship. We are the “Guardians of the Future”. As we all serve many roles and wear many different hats, we need to keep in mind that our learners look to our guidance and wisdom to help them formulate and develop their own skills and knowledge. We have the chance to make an even more historical and memorable change for all learners, but this opportunity lies within each of us and whether we are up for a good challenge to demonstrate that teachers make learning and change happen – despite many obstacles, challenges, and issues.

Conference Venue
The Stones Hotel - Legian Bali
Address: Jl. Raya Pantai Kuta Banjar Legian Kelod Legian Bali, Bali 80361 Indonesia
Telephone: +62 361 3005888
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April 10, 2025
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May 31, 2025
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June 25 - 27, 2025
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