Prof. A. W. Jayawardena

A. W. Jayawardena is an adjunct professor in the Department of Civil Engineering of theUniversity of Hong Kong. In the past, he has been a visiting professor at Chu Hai College ofHigher Education in Hong Kong, a technical advisor to the Research and DevelopmentCentre of Nippon Koei Co. Ltd, Japan, and the Research and Training Advisor to theInternational Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management, Japan, under the auspices ofUNESCO. He has also been a professor at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies,Japan, a Guest Professor at Beijing Normal University, Hohai University, and TsinghuaUniversity, China, an Honorary Professor in the Department of Statistics and ActuarialSciences of the University of Hong Kong, and an Adjunct Professor of Vellore Institute ofTechnology, India. He has authored the books “Environmental and Hydrological SystemsModelling”, “Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulics, Hydrology and Water Resources for CivilEngineers”, “Water for Life: Drinking Water, health, food, energy nexus”, and “A ConciseHistory of Japan: Jomon Period to Heisei Period”.