Professor Sangho Kim

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He is a specially employed professor at College of Asia Pacific Studies in Ritsumeikan Asia PacificUniversity. He received his Ph. D. degree in economics at Michigan State University in 1990. His mainresearch interest are economic growth, international trade and productivity analysis. His recent publicationsinclude Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy (2021), Sustainable Production and Consumption (2021), Global Economic Review (2020), Applied Economics (2018), Contemporary Economic Policy (2016, 2014).Some of his research projects were conducted with international organizations including ADB (2009, 2008),APEC (2014, 2008) and MPC (2014, 2007). Prior to his appointment at APU in 2012, He worked at HonamUniversity in Korea. He is currently on editorial board for several academic journals including Journal ofAsian Business and Economic Studies and Journal of Market Economy.
Does the Income of a Country Converge on its Near Economic
Center? An Investigation of the Flying Geese model in Asia
The flying geese model suggests that the economic growth of aprospering country spillovers to neighboring countries throughspatial externality. The model implies that Asian growth hasbenefitted from a leading prospering country that transmits its economic prosperity to its neighbors. Although the pattern ofAsian growth as described in the model is well accepted andvisualized, it is hard to find an empirical support based on thespatial growth regression. In this regard, this study empirically investigates the flying geese model, by applying a Spatial Durbinmodel to a panel of Asian countries over the period 1950-2019.The study explores whether the income of a country converges onits near economic center closely tied through international tradeand foreign direct investment. The study also investigates theimpact of various geographical and institutional factors thatinfluence the convergency between the countries.
JEL Classification Codes: C21; O19; O47
Keywords: Economic growth; Convergency; Spatial externality, Spatial
Durbin Model
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