2018 ASMSS
2018 ASMSS
The 5th Annual Symposium on Management and Social Sciences
July 10-12, 2018 Tokyo

Keynote Speaker
Dr. Thanh Pham.png
Dr. Thanh Pham
Dr. Thanh Pham has been working in higher education for more than 10 years. Her main research areas are intercultural education, globalisation, internationalisation. She has been conducting substantial research on internationalisation of the curriculum and higher education in Vietnam and other Asian countries in response to globalisation. Her main research interest is to bring various cultural and intellectual resources together to develop so-called ‘global effective pedagogies’. Pham has done research on bringing student-centred pedagogies to Asian classrooms and embedding intellectual qualities of non-Western cultures in Western curricula and pedagogies.
Pham has produced 70 publications (published or in press) in a wide range of outlets including books, edited research books, book chapters, refereed articles, magazines and conference papers. Pham has also acted as a reviewer of book proposals and various journals like Australian Journal of Teacher Education and Pedagogies: An international journal.
Pham’s current research focuses on employability of international students. She’s conducting research on studying and working experiences of Australian and Japanese returnees, the demands of the labour markets and requirements of employers in Asia and Australia.
Conceptualising forms of capitals in managing employability of international students: A comparative analysis on what counts in the host and home countries
Enhancing international students’ employability has become a focal point of higher education worldwide, especially in Western countries. The main approach that universities are utilising to manage this is the skills agenda, which appears ineffective in many aspects. A limitation is that it undervalues international students’ capitals – the strengths that international students could utilise in developing their career. This presentation will discuss how international students could utilise their capitals in managing their career in both host and home countries.
The presentation will compare the utilisation of capitals in both host and home countries. This is there is currently an increasing number of international students returning to their home countries. This trend is putting forward a strong proposal that the host country’s higher education needs to prepare international students for employability in various labour markets so that they can find their overseas studying outcomes applicable and useful wherever they would develop their career.
The presentation will use empirical data of two studies conducted in Australia and Vietnam to illustrate how international graduate migrants and returnees used their capitals in different contexts. The findings revealed that the graduate migrants’ employability was determined by a multi-dimensional account of capitals amongst which excellent technical knowledge, relationships with ‘significant others’ and strong career identity appeared as influential determinants. Differently, returnees found the development of social networks, the capacity in being able to managing multiple tasks and the access to authority as key capitals in developing their career.
Implications drawn from the studies are: For international students, they need to have clear intentions about where they would develop their career so that they can invest in developing the types of capitals they will need for their future career pathways. For the host country’s higher education, the skills agenda is necessary but not sufficient. Managing, teaching and professional staff should work together more closely to develop more rounded programmes that could prepare international students with multi-dimensional resources.
Summary of Keynote Speech
The events sector of the tourism industry is young, dynamic, growing, and maturing at rapid rate. From its origin in North America and Europe, it is now a truly global sector of the tourism industry. The benefits of events management is increasingly being realized by many countries especially in Asia.The overriding purpose of this study was to identify the international best practices on events management that will serve as a point of reference in the development of strategic framework for events management sector in the Philippines and eventually in the Asia Pacific Region.
There is no agreed strategic framework to guide the management of large-scale events and consequently a framework has not been tested until today. However, the author attempted to come up with a framework based on the international best practices on events management from highly developed six (6) countries (Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, Canada, UK, and USA). Among these countries, UK had the most number of international best practices related to events management. Undoubtedly, UK is widely recognized as a leader in the events field and being regarded as international benchmark for best practices in this sector.
The adoption of the Strategic Framework for Events Management Sector will seek to meet the updating needs of events managers and coordinators. It will provide a relevant standard for events management that will attempt to measure excellence in event planning, organizing, and management.
Conference Venue
Hotel Sunroute Plaza Shinjuku Address: 2-3-1 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku 151-0053 Tokyo - Japan Tel: +81-3-3375-3211

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